Paul B. Preciado

Paul B. Preciado

Paul B. Preciado Beatriz Preciado is a philosopher and queer activist. Author of Testo yonqui (Espasa Calpe, 2008), Anal Terror (epilogue to Guy Hocquenghem's homosexual desire, Melusina, 2009) and Pornotopia. Architecture and Sexuality in Playboy during the Cold War (Finalist of the Anagram Essay Award 2010), which received an excellent critical reception: "An argument of extraordinary rigor, enormously suggestive and able to reveal each of the crucial details of the Playboy Empire »(F. Castro Flórez, ABC); "Lucid essay on a decaying empire that reminds us how the most attractive dreams of capitalism can only be bought by rich people. All the others are satisfied with substitutes of low level "(J. Francisco Ferré, South); "One of my most joyful summer readings, strictly pleasant" (M. Vicente Araguas, The Ideal Gallego); «Extraordinary essay» (Clarín, Buenos Aires). Currently teaches political history of the body and queer theory at the University Paris VIII and the Independent Studies Program Macba (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona).