Paul F. Knitter (Chicago, 1962) has a degree in theology from the Gregorian University of Rome, a doctorate in theology from the University of Marburg and professor emeritus of theology at Xavier University, in Cincinnati. He has been one of the directors of the Christian for Peace organization in El Salvador and is an advisor to the International and Interreligious Council for Peace. He has directed the Paul Tillich Chair of Theology, Religions in the World and Culture at Union Theological Seminary in New York. As Juan José Tamayo states in Fifty Intellectuals for a Critical Consciousness, the uniqueness of Paul F. Knitter resides in his ability to combine two of the most creative and significant movements of Christian theology of the last century: the theology of liberation and theology of religions. In this last field he is considered a pioneer, along with John Hick and Raimon Panikkar. Paul Knitter argues that the path of the Christian of the twenty-first century passes through knowing other religions in order to return to his own, enriching it with a new vision.