Pedro G. Romero was born in Aracena, Huelva, in 1964. He is the first Spanish writer to publish in this collection; a writer who until now was known as one of the main artists of the new Spanish "conceptual" scene that became known in the mid-1980s. In 1986 he made his first solo exhibition and very soon, in 1988 and 1989, others two of great relevance: «Magatzem d'idees», in the Montcada hall of the La Caixa Foundation in Barcelona, and «The golden section», in the Luis Cernuda Foundation in Seville. Between 1990 and 1994 he received various awards and training grants, such as RNE's The Critical Eye or the Cartier Foundation Grant in Paris, among others, and he exhibited at the Fúcares, Tomás March, Juana de Aizpuru galleries ... For years he has been working on the Archivo FX projects on iconoclasm, which he has presented extensively in venues such as the Fundación Antoni Tàpies in Barcelona or the Silos rooms of the MNCARS in Madrid, and Maquinaria PH, on popular culture and flamenco, where, for For example, he is an advisor and artistic director of the prestigious bailaor Israel Galván.