Pedro Moleón Gavilanes (Madrid, 1952). Architect by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid, he is a tenured professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Corresponding academic of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, he has been director of the Architectural Heritage of the National Heritage (2002-2006). His research work has focused on the study of the classical tradition and the validity of the theory and practice of the principles of classicism in modern architecture. Among his numerous publications, it is worth mentioning, in addition to the aforementioned book published in Akal, La arquitectura de Juan de Villanueva. The process of the Project (1988), John Soane (1753-1837) and the architecture of poetic reason (2001), Spanish architects in the Rome of the Grand Tour. 1746-1796 (2004) or The Prado Museum. Biography of the building (2011).