Peter Fenves, the Joan and Sarepta Harrison Professor of Literature at Northwestern University, is a professor of German, Comparative Literary Studies, Jewish Studies, and Asian Languages and Cultures. He is the author of A Peculiar Fate: Metaphysics and World-History in Kant (Cornell University Press, 1991), “Chatter”: Language and History in Kierkegaard (Stanford University Press, 1993), Arresting Language: From Leibniz to Benjamin (Stanford University Press , 2001); Late Kant: Towards Another Law of the Earth (Routledge, 2003), which was translated into German in 2010, with a Spanish translation in progress; The Messianic Reduction: Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time (Stanford University Press, 2010); and Walter Benjamin Among the Philosophers (Palinodia, 2017), which is currently being expanded for its English version.