"Predrag Matvejevic Russian father and Croatian mother, born in 1932, Mostar, former Yugoslavia, civil law at the University of Zagreb, a professor at the Sorbonne in Paris and at La Sapienza of Rome, essayist and storyteller, is known for his reflections on aesthetics, art history and literature. Among his best known works are for a poetic event (1979), Mediterranean Breviary (1989), de l'autre Epistolaire Europe (1993) and Le monde 'ex', confetti (1996).
Considered one of the best known authors who understand the disaster of the Balkans and the role of the Eastern European countries after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Matvejevic is committed to intellectual freedom and the enemy front Stalinism, dictatorships and effects of those in the world of arts. Your bet: a socialism of "'human face'" and a separate literature that does not serve the political interests ".