"Procopius of Caesarea (in Greek Προκόπιος ὁ Καισαρεύς) was a prominent Byzantine historian of the sixth century, whose works are the main written about the reign of Justinian source. Apart from his own work, the most important source for understanding the biography is the Suda, a Byzantine encyclopedia century X. Unfortunately, they just appear on the origins of Procopio. been known, however, that was from the city of Caesarea in Palestine. studied the Greek classics and attended to a law school, probably in Berytus (now Beirut). was rhetor (lawyer), and in 527, convitió in asessor (legal counsel) Belisario, then beginning his brilliant military career. With him was in the front East when he was defeated at the Battle of Callinicum (531), and also saw how Belisario suppressed the rebellion of Nika in the year 532 the following year accompanied him on his victorious expedition against the Vandal North African kingdom, where he participated in the conquest of Carthage. There mentioned climate change in the years 535 and 536 when Belisarius returned to Constantinople, Procopio remained in Africa, but soon returned to join him on his campaign against the Ostrogothic kingdom of Italy. There was also a witness to important events such as the siege of Rome by the Goths in 537-538, and the conquest of Ravenna, capital of the Gothic kingdom, by Belisarius in 540 Judging by what was written by Procopius in Book VIII their Wars and the secret History, relations with Belisario had been cooled below; in fact, it seems that when Belisarius returned to Italy to face the new Ostrogothic king, Totila, Procopius was not involved in the expedition. In 542 he was in Constantinople, as it describes the plague suffered by the city that year.
On the later life of Procopio little is known except that he received the title of illustris in 560 is possible that he might become urban prefect of Constantinople in 562-563 (in these years there were at least a prefect of the same name). "