Mexican writer, editor and translator. He was in charge of the poetry collection Cuartel de invierno for the Universidad Veracruzana uv. He was director of the magazine Forum (2004-2012).
He has published short stories, novels and essays, as well as an anthology of Brazilian poetry and another of Italian short stories. He was a scholarship holder of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts fonca in the Young Creators category and of the Veracruz Institute of Culture ivec. He won the 1987 National Journalism Award in the category of Cultural Dissemination Programs and Publications 1987 and was a finalist in the 1994 José Rubén Romero National Contest.
He has collaborated with La palabra y el hombre, Punto y Aparte, Tierra Adentro, Revista de la Facultad de Letras de la uv and Textual, among other publications.
He has translated more than four books by the writers Camillo Boito, Richard de Fournival and Dino Buzzatti. He has published three books and his stories have been included in national anthologies. In addition, he edited a book about Sergio Pitol.