Doctor of Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid and Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Buenos Aires, he is Research Professor at the CSIC. He has been director of the Department of History of Science of the Institute of History of the CSIC, member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for the History of Psychiatry, president of the Spanish Society for the History of Medicine and founder and first coordinator (along with Juan Carlos Stagnaro) of the Iberoamerican Network for the History of Psychiatry. He is the author, among other works, of Cultural History of Psychiatry (Catarata, 2012), Madness (Catarata, 2014) and Another story for another psychiatry (Xoroi Edicions, 2017). He has recently coordinated several collective books: Psychiatry and antipsychiatry in the second Franco regime and the Transition and Policies of mental health and social change in Latin America (Catarata, 2017); Together with Alberto Ortiz, he has coordinated Criticism and Alternatives in Psychiatry (Catarata, 2018), and has been co-author of Letters from the Madhouse (Catarata, 2018).