Rafael Medina. Guadalajara, 1972. Psychiatrist. He was a fellow of the State Fund for Culture and the Arts in the area of Young Creators, a member of the editorial committee of the literary magazines La Vértebra, Ultima and La Voz de la Esfinge. General coordinator of the first Colloquium of Psychopathology and Art, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the State of Jalisco and the Psychiatric Association of Jalisco in 2001. From 2001 to 2007 he was a contributor to the extinct cultural supplement of the newspaper El Informador, "El Tapatío Cultural" and For ten years he has participated in programs to promote reading at the SEMS of the University of Guadalajara. He has published the books: Crónicas del Civil (1996), Sangre de perro y otros critos (1999), The cross of the beast (2001), De Samor and other cheesy places (2005), Empty weapon and other stories for the impotent (2012 ) and Una poética del mal (2013).