Rafael Villegas Tepic, 1981. Narrator and historian. Doctor in Historiography by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco. Author, among other books, of Juan Peregrino does not save the world (Paradise Lost, 2012) and laboratory Monsters. The science imagined by Mexican cinema (Instituto Mexiquense de Cultura, 2014). Co-organizer of Feast of the dead. Mexican stories of zombies (Ocean, 2015). His texts appear in Los viajeros: 25 years of Mexican science fiction (Ediciones SM, 2010), El abismo: We look at terror made in Mexico (Ediciones SM, 2012), Hic Svnt Dracones: Critical anthology of Mexican fantasy literature (Tierra Adentro , 2013) and In reconstruction: Towards new identities and narratives based on equity (Tierra Adentro, 2014). National Poetry Prize Amado Nervo 2005, Literary Essay Award Agustín Yáñez 2005, Julio Verne Prize 2007 and 2009, National Short Story Award José Agustín 2009. He was a fellow of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (2010-2011). He is currently a professor at the University of Guadalajara.