Ramón Gómez de la Serna Puig (Madrid, July 3, 1888 -Buenos Aires, January 12, 1963) was a prolific Spanish avant-garde journalist, generally ascribed to the generation of 1914 or novecentism, and impeller of the known literary genre Like Greguería. He possesses an extensive literary work that goes from the Costumbrista essay or the biography (he wrote several: About Valle Inclán, Azorín and on himself: Automoribundia) to the novel and the theater. The life and work of him is a break against the conventions. He is thus an incarnation with the spirit and the actuation of the avant-garde, to which he will dedicate a book called isms. The work of him is extensive and the central axis of him are the Gregerias: a genre initiated by him, as a set of notes in which he encloses a conceptual pirouette or an unusual metaphor. They are usually of several types: jokes, word games, or even as philosophical notes.