Raquel Aguilar García, PhD in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM. She completed a postdoctoral stay at UNAM-I in the area of Political Philosophy. She completed a Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the UNAM and a Master's degree in Clinical and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. She completed her training as a psychoanalyst at the Círculo Psicoanalítico Mexicano, an institution to which she currently belongs as an associate member. Co-founder of the permanent seminar “Women, psychoanalysis and feminism” of the CPM. Co-coordinator of the book Las mujeres en la historia del psicoanálisis published by the CPM and Ediciones Navarra. She has participated in various journals of Psychoanalysis, Literature and Philosophy, as well as in national and international discussion forums. Psychotherapist at Espora Psicológica, UNAM; she also practices psychoanalysis in a private practice.