Raquel Capurro, born in Montevideo, is a Uruguayan essayist. She writes in French and Spanish.
She studied philosophy in France then she worked as a psychoanalyst in Uruguay and was part of the Lacanian school of psychoanalysis. She is a specialist in positivism and Auguste Comte.
She is the author of the book: Positivism is a cult of the dead: Auguste Comte (1998), translated into French in 2001. This book refers to the work of Henri Gouhier, historian of French philosophy.
She has also published, with Diego Nin, Extraviada, translated and published by Epel (2005) with the title I killed him, it's my father.
She published in Mexico (Epeele 2004) El sexo y su sombra. Del misteriorso hermafrodita by M. Foucault.