"Roger Caillois (Reims, 1913-Paris, 1978), writer, sociologist of the sacred, traveler and essayist, was a member of the surrealist group from 1932 to 1935 and in 1938 founded the School of Sociology with Georges Bataille. Conducted numerous . travels in Europe, America and Asia, and in 1971, he entered the French Academy During part of his life resided in Argentina, where he established close relations with the intelligentsia of this next to the South magazine states: Victoria Ocampo and Jorge Luis Borges, who was French introducer through their translations.
His books include The myth and man, man and the sacred, Poetics of Saint-John Perse, games and men: Mask vertigo, Medusa and Co., Pontius Pilate: The dilemma of power or Images pictures: About the powers of the imagination. "