Roland Topor (1938-1997) is the author of a protean work in which drawing, painting, theater, television, cinema, poetry and narrative are mixed. For a time a contributor to the satirical magazine Hara-Kiri, in 1962 he was one of the founders, along with Fernando Arrabal and Alejandro Jodorowsky, of the Panic movement. In 1973 he won the Special Jury Prize at Cannes for the animated film The Wild Planet, made in collaboration with René Laloux. Three years later, Roman Polanski adapts his novel The Chimerical Tenant to the cinema. At the end of the eighties he wrote the script and was in charge of the artistic direction of Marquis, a film with the Marquis de Sade as the protagonist directed by the Belgian filmmaker Henri Xhonneux, with whom he had also created the television series Téléchat . In 1970 he received the Deux Magots prize for his novel Joko fête son anniversaire (forthcoming in this publishing house) and, twenty years later, the Grand Prize of Fine Arts of the Villa de Paris. In 2001 he was posthumously appointed Satrap of the College of Pataphysics.