Doctor of Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Cádiz, where he is Professor in the Department of Teaching. He has participated as principal investigator on research projects of regional, national and international levels. His research lines are focused on school management, rural schools, gender and education, new technologies and academic plagiarism. He has publications in national magazines (Pixel-Bit, Magazine Interuniversity Teacher Training), Latin America (Educational News, Ibero-American Journal of Education), and European, both in Spanish and English (Educational Studies, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative social Research). He also co-authored the book Introduction to the case studies. The first contacts with ethnographic research (Aljibe, 2003) and author of The management of centers and its metaphors: symbol, action and ethics. Case Study (Electronic Publishing, 2002), and investigate the case study school management. Report of an experience (Aljibe, 2011). Mention, finally, its participation in the following works: The school improvement: a change of look (Octahedron, 2002. In Portuguese, 2007), the absence of women in school curriculums (Miño and Dávila, 2004) knowledge and Uncertainties about the CV (Morata, 2010).