ROXANA RODRIGUEZ ORTIZ. She was born in Mexico City on October 19, 1974. She is a self-taught philosopher and has a degree in Business Administration (1997) from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. She studied for a master's degree and a doctorate in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature (2008) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In addition to coordinating books and participating in collective works, she has written several books. Allegory of the Mexico-United States border: comparative analysis of two adjoining literatures (2013); Culture and identity in the United States-Mexico border region: environs between the Mexican-American community and the border community (2013); and Epistemology of the border: models of society and public policies (2014) are the basis of the epistemological model of the border that served him to study other borders (Schengen area, Morocco-Spain, Morocco-Algeria and Israel-Palestine). Border Cartography: Field Journal (2016) is the result of her work on comparative border studies. Poética de un sabático (2018) was her first creative writing book. In addition to her research and teaching activities, Roxana has collaborated with different social organizations and has intervened in border and migration policy at the local and national levels.