Your jusphilosophical thinking is one of the peaks of nineteenth century legal science . Coming from a family of lawyers , was formed Jhering pandectística within the school, devoting his first major works to Roman law : Abhandlungen römischen aus dem Recht ( 1844) and Geist des Rechts römischen (I, 1852 II , 1865 ) . The latter is characterized by longer face a vision of overly conceptual, cold and obsessed with the idea of law system . To Jhering , however , as developed in his later works , the first source of law is located in the heart of man and must remain close to the corporate interests. The Jhering approaches , which have become one of the pioneers of sociological rotation law, culminating in his great work of maturity End of Law (1881-1882) and in the three major Viennese conference "Is the law a science ? "," fight for the Right "and the present " On the birth of the legal sense . "