(Madrid, 1968) has been making comics in collaboration with various cartoonists for over ten years. He has published three volumes of El Vecino with Pepo Pérez; The storm, Heroes of space and The end of the world, with Javier Peinado; Beowulf, with David Rubín; I'm hungry, with Manel Fontdevila; Football. The graphic novel, with Pablo Ríos, and The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Las Meninas, with Javier Olivares. This last title was awarded the prize for the best Spanish work of the year in the Salon del Cómic de Barcelona of 2015 and the National Comic Award of the same year. He has coordinated the comics anthology Panorama. The Spanish graphic novel today and another of essays, Supercomic. Mutations of the contemporary graphic novel. The essay La novela gráfica, translated into Brazil and the United States, won him the prize for dissemination at the Barcelona show in 2011, and in 2015 he published a new essay, Sensational comics. He is also the author of the graphic novel Yuna, in collaboration with Juaco Vizuete, and with Luis Bustos he signs the two volumes that make up García! His latest work is Museomaquia, with drawings by David Sánchez. Santiago García maintains a blog about comics that can be visited at www.santiagogarciablog.blogspot.com. To follow him on Twitter: @mandorlablog