He was born in 1978 in Visegrad (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and since 1992 he lives in Germany. He studied German as a Foreign Language and Slavic Philology in Heidelberg and Prose and Dramaturgy / New Media at the Institute of German Literature in Leipzig. His literary debut How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone (2006) has been translated into more than twenty languages.
Saša Stanišic is an author of fresh, colloquial prose and, above all, overflowing with humor and absurd tones, which has led him to receive various awards, such as the Adelbert-von-Chemisso Award (2008) - awarded during the Book Fair from Frankfurt to works written in German whose author has another language as their mother tongue - and the Alfred Döblin prize (2013) - founded by Günter Grass and delivered on a biennial basis. Stanišic works and lives in Hamburg as an author and journalist.