Born in Saavedra (Begonte, Lugo) in 1925, is one of the most prominent figures in philosophy and Spanish university in decades. His work can be described only in the Hispanic philosophical scene, centered on the analysis of the main aspects of the theory of knowledge and its critical reconstruction through the study of the work of the major philosophers who coined and developed the discipline from its medieval history until the twentieth century. Professor Rábade has played, among other charges, the director of the Institute of Philosophy Luis Vives, president of the Spanish Society of Philosophy, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid, twice rector of the University Complutense own curator and promoter and first rector of the Universidad San Pablo-CEU. He has received numerous awards and distinctions, most notably the Knights of the Order of Alfonso X the Wise or the granting of the medal Castelao Xunta de Galicia in 2001 Currently, in addition to active lecturer and writer, combines her work as emeritus professor at the Complutense University and the Universidad San Pablo-CEU its responsibility as director of the Center for Higher Education Don Bosco. In this Editorial volumes are published Knowing human Empiricism. Locke and Hume and Rationalism. Descartes and Espinosa, who will Conceptions of Reason: Kant, Ortega and the irrational, the human knowing 2 Historical Roots of the theory of knowledge, framed in the general plan of publishing his works.