Sònia Hernández

Sònia Hernández

Sonia Hernández was born in Tarrasa in 1976, published in 2006 her first book of poems, La casa del mar, followed in 2010 by Los nombres del tiempo. As a narrator, she has published the books of stories The Ill Wrong (2008) and The Propagation of Silence (2013), in addition to the novels La mujer de Rapallo, in 2010 - the same year in which the prestigious British magazine Granta included her in her selection of the best young narrators in Spanish-, and Los Pissimboni, published by Acantilado in 2015. He is a member of the Group of Studies of Literary Exile (GEXEL), where he has developed several research works on Max Aub or, more recently, Vicente Red. As a journalist, she is a regular contributor to the supplement Cultura / s, from the Barcelona newspaper La Vanguardia.