Sophia de Mello

Sophia de Mello

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen was born in Porto (Portugal), in 1919 he studied classical philology at the Faculty of Letters of Lisbon. He chaired the General Assembly twice Writers, was nominated by the Democratic Opposition in the legislative elections of 1969 and before April 25, participated in the founding of the National Commission for assistance to political prisoners. In 1975 he was elected deputy in the Constituent Assembly of the country. He has published numerous books of poetry, collected in three volumes in poetic work (Editorial Caminho, 1990, awarded the Grand Prize of Poetry Pen Club). In 1994 he published Musa, who received the Life Literary Prize of the Portuguese Association of Writers. He has also written essays, short stories, and children's books. Translated into Portuguese to Paul Claudel, Dante and Shakespeare. Some of his works were translated and published in Italy, France, USA, England, Croatia and Spain. He received more international awards, including the "Petrarca Award" from the Italian Publishers Association, the Camoes Prize 1999 and the Max Jacob Prize 2001 are counted.