Stevey Boy Russell, the Barefoot Doctor, began learning how to heal people at the age of eleven when his father took him to learn Aikido with an old Japanese master of this discipline.
Later the hippie route took him all over the world and he followed some exotic lines of teaching like yoga.
His teacher was a good friend of RD Laing, the eminent countercultural psychiatrist, who led him into the study of psychotherapy for three years and became his friend and mentor. Around this time he became interested in Tai Chi and switched to the study of Tai Chi. of Taoist martial arts and Taoism in general.
In 1979 he went to New Mexico to live and learn with Native American shamans, delving into the healing arts.
The Barefoot Doctor is also a musician -his father was a jazz drummer- he grew up playing guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, percussion... and with his music he tries to heal through sound vibrations.
He currently runs a Warrior School in London, where he teaches the secrets of Taoist-style healing and also runs Tai Chi retreats in Catalonia.