Born in Córdoba and currently resident in Zamora, Susana Jiménez Cardona has a doctorate in Human and Cultural Sciences from the University of Girona and a professor in the Master's Degree in Sound Art at the University of Barcelona. A philosopher, musician and sound artist, she has published articles on musicians and artists such as Jana Winderen, Félix Blume, Janet Cardiff, Ultra-red, Morton Feldman or Hildergard Westerkamp, among others. Her work as a musician and artist is mainly collaborative in nature and has been shown in spaces such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, CaixaForum (Madrid), CentroCentro, CAR Inland, Matadero Madrid, the Paris 8 University, the C3A (Córdoba) , the Royal Artillery Factory (Seville), the Tsonami Festival (Valparaíso) or the Zamora Public Library.