Swami Satyananda Saraswati (Barcelona, 1955) has lived three decades in India. Get to know the Hindu tradition thoroughly, especially Advaita Vedanta, Kashmiri Shivaism and Yoga philosophy. In 1976 he meets Swami Muktananda, who will initiate him on the path of meditation. In 1982 he received the vows as renunciant (sannyasa) of the order of Sri Shankara. It is established at the foot of the mountain of Arunachala in the company of direct disciples of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Study Sanskrit in Pondicherry and Benares. Later, in Thapovanam (Tamil Nadu), he enters the contemplation of the Upanishads under the guidance of Swami Nityananda Giri. He currently lives in Catalonia, where he teaches about Hinduism. He has edited the collective work Mística Medieval Hindu (Trotta, 2003) and is the author of several contributions to works of Indica themes. He is the founder and promoter of Advaitavidya, an association dedicated to the practice, contemplation and study of the Hindu tradition.