Tatiana Avenirovna Proskouriakoff (Tomsk, Russia, January 23, 1909 † USA, August 30, 1985) was epigrafista, archaeologist and ethnologist specializing in the Mayan civilization. Self-taught in these disciplines, one because he was schooled in architecture, he came to them starting as a draftsman. She is remembered especially for his significant contribution to knowledge of Maya writing, demonstrating that the inscriptions of Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan recounting historical events and lives of real people, not just mythologies or calendrical descriptions, as previously thought time.2 Another of his contributions was a monument dating system based on morphology and sculptural style piezas.2 It is also recognized for his early work as a draftsman of archaeological sites, pioneered along with Carlos Vierra on the concept of drawing reconstruction large structures: dilated artistic representation of architectural spaces as they could have been in their time of esplendor.3 Author of articles and books on classical culture