Born and died in what is now Padua, capital of Venetia, moved to Rome 24 years. Was charged with the education of the future emperor Claudius. Livy wrote a history of Rome, from the founding of the city until the death of Nero Claudius Drusus in 9. C., Ab city condita libri (commonly known as the Decades). The work consisted of 142 books, divided into decades or groups of 10 books. Of these, only 35 have survived. They are 1 to 10 and from 21 to 45.
The books that have come down to us contain the history of the first centuries of Rome, from the foundation in the year 753. C. to 292 a. C., recount the Second Punic War and the conquest by the Romans in Cisalpine Gaul, Greece, Macedonia and Asia Minor.