Victorino Pérez Prieto (León 1954). Following the studies of philosophy and theology in Santiago, a doctorate in dogmatic theology at Salamanca (UPSA)._x000D_
Ordained a priest in the diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol, practiced for twenty five years pastoral work in parishes rural and urban maritime, and as director of retreats and spiritual exercises. He was professor of the Institute and the Diocesan School of Theology, currently teaches at the Universities of A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela. He has lectured extensively on religious and theological related to Galician culture._x000D_
He has published a dozen books in Galician and Castilian, and nearly a thousand articles in newspapers and magazines, the latter has a direct relationship with this book: Beyond fragmentation of theology and life knowledge: Raimon Panikkar (Valencia 2008 ). Irimia and directed the magazine belongs to Encrucillada Editorial Board. He has contributed to numerous magazines and newspapers, and is currently a regular columnist for La Voz de Galicia. It is also a member of the "Association of Writers in Lingua Galega" and "John XXIII Association of Theologians."