Walter Sosa Escudero specializes in theoretical econometrics and applied to the analysis of social data. He graduated in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires, he completed graduate studies at the Di Tella Institute and earned his PhD in Economics at the University of Illinois, USA. His research are in various national and international publications. He has consulted on econometric issues for several international organizations and public and private institutions. He taught at the Central Banks of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, the IDB, the World Bank and the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, among others. Fulvio Pagani won the Prize (with Leonardo Gasparini and Mariana Marchionni) was foreign fellow of CONICET, and in 2003 won the Bernardo Houssay Award in the category Young Investigator. In 2009 he joined the CONICET, in the category of Independent Investigator. He served in the National University of La Plata as Professor of Econometrics I and Director of the PhD in economics from the university. He was also a visiting professor at the Universities of Illinois and National Brasilia. He is currently a full-time associate professor and director of the BA in Economics from the University of San Andrés.