Willy Thayer

Willy Thayer

WILLY THAYER. Chili. Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences, UMCE. Coordinator of the Critical Theory Program and Director of Ediciones Macul. He has written for collective books and catalogs. Among his publications are The non-modern crisis of the modern university (1996, 2002), The repeated fragment. Written in States of Exception (2006), Critical Technologies (2010, 2018) and The Skeleton Varnish (Six Essays on the Sinister) (2011). He is in the process of editing Raúl Ruiz, for a critique of entertainment (2019). He also edited, together with Pablo Oyarzun, Escritura y tremor, posthumous writings by Patricio Marchant, (2000), and the collective volumes Historia, Violencia, Imagen (2007) and La universidad (im) Possible (2018). mimesis reissued The Non-Modern Crisis of the Modern University (2019).