Professor emeritus at the University of Deusto, where he has been professor of ethics and director of the Center for Applied Ethics. He is responsible for the Bakeaz area of peace education. It maintains strong ties with Latin America, through its presence in universities in various countries and its collaboration with indigenous organizations. He focuses his research on political ethics (especially around collective identities and their conflicts) and on the ethical aspect of human rights. The groups to which he has given the most thoughtful and practical attention are victims of terrorism, people with intellectual disabilities and indigenous peoples. He has been committed to peace education since his youthful beginnings as professor of philosophy at the Baccalaureate Institute. He has published numerous articles, notebooks and books. The latter include: Imaginary and Human Rights from Paul Ricoeur (DDB), Ethics of Difference (UD), Basic Ethics Issues (DDB), Ethics of Humanitarian Aid (DDB), Ethical Approach to Disability (UD) , ETA education for peace in the face of violence (Bakeaz), Dynamics of violence and victims of terrorism (Bakeaz), For an ethics of feelings in the public sphere (Bakeaz), Multicultural societies (Messenger), Virtues to live together (PPC).