The new publishing label, ALEVOSÍA, which we present, is born after a long reflection and many months of work by the same team that forms Siruela.
Both stamps are now part of the publishing group Ediciones Siruela and, above all, the desire to put quality books in the hands of our readers. And it is in this year 2012, in which Ediciones Siruela celebrates its 30th anniversary, when we launch ALEVOSÍA, and we do it because we want to go a step further ...
Our desire is also to reach those readers who have not yet arrived and offer titles with a vocation to reach the general public: the designs will be more modern, more striking and adjusted to the characteristics of each book, fresh and direct promotion, and The contents varied. Best-selling literary, crossover, family sagas, memoirs and testimony, exotic or historical settings, historical or contemporary thriller ... all ...read more