Catalonia is an independent, diverse and cultural Chilean publishing house founded by Arturo Infante Reñasco, an editor with a long career in Spain, Argentina and Chile.
At the end of 2003, the publishing house published Allende. How the White House caused her death, by Patricia Verdugo, which quickly became the best-selling book in Chile that year. Since then, prominent Chilean authors have been added to its incipient catalogue: Armando Uribe, Sonia Montecino, José Bengoa, Armando de Ramón, Elizabeth Subercaseaux, Alfonso Calderón, Humberto Giannini, Ángel Parra, Felipe Portales, among many others. The published works have won important literary awards: the National Book Council, Municipal, Altazor and others, meaning immediate recognition from the reading public and the consolidation of its catalogue.
Catalonia is directed by the editor Arturo Infante Reñasco and a tea...read more