Acerca de la psicología de la religión occidental y de la religión oriental

Obra Completa Vol. 11.

Acerca de la psicología de la religión occidental y de la religión oriental - Carl Gustav Jung - Trotta
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Weight: 997.9 g

Religion occupies a central place in the work of Jung who, especially in the writings of his later years, paid special attention to the religious phenomenon. Jung's great merit lies in having been able to recognize that the original representations that underlie and are common to different religions constitute archetypal contents of the human soul. The first part of this volume brings together writings such as "Psychology and religion" or "Response to Job". In the second one, especially commentaries and prologues are compiled to oriental religious texts such as I Ching or Bardo Todol.


Book: Acerca de la psicología de la religión occidental y de la religión oriental

ISBN: 9788481649024
Precio de lista: $1,795.00
Descuento: 25%