Adiós al dolor de espalda

Cómo remediarlo sin médicos ni medicinas

Adiós al dolor de espalda - Pierre Pallardy - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 449 g
Soft cover

Acupuncturist, chiropractor, kinesiotherapist, rheumatologist, healer, masseuse ... Who to turn to? How do you know?

To choose well, know that the back does not heal only with manipulations, massages, injections, anti-inflammatories and needles. It is also necessary - as explained in this book - to treat the individual as a whole (the heart, the muscles, the belly ...). Restore a new physical and mental strength, a new energy, teach a new way to move the body in space.

Goodbye to back pain is the talismanic book that every person with discomfort should consult. To help them heal themselves, Pierre Pallardy proposes a simple and effective method that they can practice at home, in the office, in the factory, in the car, on public transport and in all circumstances of life: activities sports, DIY, gardening, before and after childbirth, etc. A method that will really allow more


Book: Adiós al dolor de espalda

ISBN: 9788472455436
Precio de lista: $580.00
Descuento: 15%