Análisis psicológico de la crisis de los 40 años

Análisis psicológico de la crisis de los 40 años - Michael Nichols - Gedisa
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The transition, sometimes painful, to maturity means that the future is now and that produces confusing fears and the feeling that too many wishes have been dissatisfied.
This book, aimed at men and women alike, shows all the false and right out of the crisis of 40 years. Many professional and emotional daring, many habits and new excesses changes are nothing more than runaways forward, but do not lead anywhere.

Michael P. Nichols explains in detail what are the most frequent torments are as we approach 40 years and how to care for them to enter adulthood with optimism, firmly and without sacrificing happiness.
"When a mental health professional writes for the general public, there is an invisible barrier that must be negotiated. I watch with envy the ease and elegance with which Mike Nichols jump this hurdle ... This book does not offer solutions, more


Book: Análisis psicológico de la crisis de los 40 años

ISBN: 9788474322774
Precio de lista: $260.00
Descuento: 20%