This Animalia, written by Rafael Toriz and illustrated by Édgar Cano, is a close relative of the Manual of Fantastic Zoology, by Borges and Margarita Herrero, from which he inherits concise style and fabulous will. It is also related to a recent research by Norma Muñoz Ledo, illustrated by Antonio Helguera Martínez and José García Hernández, which bears the title of Super Naturalia, where the author reviews some unreal beings (elves, witches, animals) of the Mexican imaginary . In all three cases, these are collections of creatures almost all of them non-existent, which for some reason have survived in the imagination of man. It is as if the fauna we know, with its infinite variety of shapes and sizes, seems to us, however, poor, and we need to expand its repertoire, with the secret hope or the secret fear that those beasts invented by us existed in Some moment or perhaps they will ex...read more