Adaptation to the manga of the most representative work of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.
Anna Karenina maintains an impassioned story of adulterous love with Count Alekséi Vronsky. A relationship that foretells the worst and leads its protagonists to one of the most famous and symbolic endowments of universal literature.
The manga is centered on the sentimental adventures of Anna and Alekséi -idilium attended by Anna's husband, Count Karenin, and their son Seryozha -but also focuses on the relationships of the other two main characters: Dolly And Stiva, on the one hand, and Kitty and Levin, on the other. Probably the decisive antagonism in history lies in the divergent trajectories of Levin and Anna. Levin, when rejected by Kitty's proposal of marriage, returns to the camp, regains self-confidence and finds meaning in his life in contact with the peasants, which ...read more