Antropología del Budismo

Antropología del Budismo - Juan Arnau Navarro - Kairós
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Book size:
Weight: 280 g
Soft cover

Anthropology of Buddhism is a fascinating immersion in the conversation that has been going on in Buddhism for more than two millennia. The author interprets the central axes of this dialogue through nine entries that bring us closer to the way of life of Buddhists, to their particular conception of the human and which are an invitation to Buddhist awakening.

1) Existence; that encompasses all living things, from larvae to gods. 2) The desire; sacred energy that moves beings and the whole of nature. 3) Ideas; inexhaustible source of desire and its illusions. 4) Emptiness; tranquility of the ambitions of conceptual representation. 5) The symbolic and hermetic language; words of liberation that seek the liberation of words. 6) The skillful means; ranging from persuasive eloquence to the display of wonders and wonders. 7) Meditation; that proposes a dialogue between the body and more


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Antropología del Budismo

ISBN: 9788472456457
Precio de lista: $490.00
Descuento: 15%