Aprender a vivir

Aprender a vivir - Miguel  Bertrán Quera - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 215 g

Of the serious problems facing the world, more and more individuals and groups who venture to build no new human relationships characterized by domain structures, and new environments more conducive to implementing this ideal. This book bears witness to the countless questions that arise in the education of children, taking different path and changes the perspective of adults. We looked closely enough at how kids are really, or prefer to mold to our needs, our appreciation of time, our lifestyle, our ideals and frustrations? Between hope to solve all the problems of the child or give references and offer guidelines, is the territory where there are genuine development processes. This book is an invitation to occupy this space reviewing our practices and attitudes and learning that children and adults can grow together.
Parents and educators, teachers, children and youth leaders,...read more

Category: All >> Spirituality

Book: Aprender a vivir

ISBN: 8425412390
Precio de lista: $555.00
Descuento: 50%