Arte e historia en la Edad Media I

Arte e historia en la Edad Media I -  AA.VV. - Akal
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The present volume is the first of the four that make up the work Art and History in the Middle Ages, whose purpose is to explore the broad terrain in which are the experiences of medieval history and art. The protagonists of this first installment are time, space and institutions. However, the times of the Byzantine East and the West, which are not only typical of the Church and the merchants, but also those of the stonecutters, those of the goldsmith and those of the sculptor, Up to those of art historians, who, in turn, try to impose the measure and the constraining limits of style. Along with the times, the spaces, the itineraries, the landscapes, the city and the countryside and their representations. And finally, the great religious and secular institutions, the Church, the Papacy, the Empire and, within these, the artists who move, the models that circulate, and the dominant more


Book: Arte e historia en la Edad Media I

ISBN: 9788446024958
Precio de lista: $2,480.00
Descuento: 20%