Arte e historia en la Edad Media II

Arte e historia en la Edad Media II -  AA.VV. - Akal
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As its own name indicates, "On the Build" focuses on the world of architecture, the production of works, those who conceived them and made, from the techniques used, the materials used. Now in the Middle Ages all this was understood quite differently from ours. The building was not only considered a reference in the urban fabric, or the definer of an interior space with a strong symbolic charge, but a coherent whole in which the other constructive elements were joined by the other constructive elements: murals, Sculptures, stained glass, fabrics, pieces of goldwork ... Certain materials could carry implicit meanings that we are no longer able to perceive today; The products of the so-called "greater arts," a hierarchical division completely alien to medieval man, were not necessarily the most appreciated - a rich cloth could arouse impressions and emotions more intense than a more


Book: Arte e historia en la Edad Media II

ISBN: 9788446024965
Precio de lista: $1,710.00
Descuento: 20%