Arte y mecenazgo

Del Cantábrico al Caribe

Arte y mecenazgo - Luis Sazatornil Ruiz - Trea
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Cantabrian the Caribbean, funded by the Fundación Carolina: the main findings of the research project and Indian Art patronage meet in this volume. On its pages a long list of artists, viceroys, lineages, burghers, merchants, military, religious or officials, and l showing prominent role of transoceanic migrants in promoting the art of modern and contemporary eras in Spain and America. This Indian heritage, raised or acquired capital treasured American soil, is eloquent testimony to a long voyage that begins with the first builders who accompanied Columbus on his voyages and reaches the first decades of the twentieth century with the "age of gold "of Indian patronage promoted by the mass return of capital caused by the colonial crisis. During those four centuries the dream of "making the Americas' pushed the overseas exodus of thousands of Spanish immigrants, seeking a fortune in the more


Book: Arte y mecenazgo

ISBN: 9788497042901
Precio de lista: $2,060.00
Descuento: 25%