Arthur Schopenhauer

Religión y metafísica de la voluntad

Arthur Schopenhauer - Manuel Suances Marcos - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 370 g

Arthur Schopenhauer has gone down in history as the master of pessimism. However, his theory of knowledge is great. Among the various ways to approach the analysis of reality, Schopenhauer focuses on metaphysics and religion to address major issues such as evil, pain, freedom or human immortality. All this to get to draw a valid ethical message for the man in his future. _x000D_
In this task could see in Buddhism a great ally, hence the influence of Schopenhauer had in philosophy, culture and view of life worldwide.


Book: Arthur Schopenhauer

ISBN: 9788425416545
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%