Asumir las preocupaciones propias

Un manual para diálogos tempranos

Asumir las preocupaciones propias -  AA.VV. - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

The objective of this manual consists, then, in opening the dialogue to reduce the threshold of the intervention and that the professional can assume the responsibility of reducing their own concerns.

The early dialogue method is an intervention technique for health and education professionals, and also a tool for action in the business world. It is based on the premise that when concerns arise about a minor or adolescent, a client, a patient or an employee, it is preferable to act when a wide range of possibilities and alternatives are still available.

Feeling worried indicates that something is beginning to deteriorate and that it will evolve in an unwanted direction unless there is a change. Instead of focusing on the problems of the child, the patient or the employee, the professional expresses his subjective concern for them and asks these people to help him. The more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychotherapy

Book: Asumir las preocupaciones propias

ISBN: 9788425445705
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 30%