A story of captivating intensity, admired by great writers such as Borges and Camus, and which anticipates the work of Kafka, existentialism and the literature of the absurd.
Herman Melville (New York, 1819-1891) was successful with his first works, including the extraordinary Moby Dick, but later he fell into oblivion. In the 20s of the last century, his figure was recovered: unpublished works of his were published, and biographies and important critical studies were written that placed Melville in his rightful place as one of the fundamental figures of American and universal literature of the century. XIX. Bartleby, the clerk is one of the most famous short stories in universal literature. He has been considered a forerunner of existentialism and the literature of the absurd and anticipates themes that will later be dealt with by Franz Kafka. It is, if anything, one of the mo...read more