Canciones de cuna para el fin del mundo

Canciones de cuna para el fin del mundo - Majo Delgadillo - Paraíso Perdido
Publisher name: 
Paraíso Perdido
Year of publication: 

«In the stories of Canciones de lulla para el fin del mundo, Majo Delgadillo shows us the foundations of a literary universe under construction where the main characteristic is to connect with the emotionality of the 21st century. With a spooky tone that pushes us to the limit, he confronts us to ask what is really in our mind, soul and heart. With this confrontation between the stories and our own experiences, we come closer to understanding the strange sense of humor of the characters in this book.

In this fictional world, inexplicable things happen like a town where it never stops raining, a name (yes, a "name") that lives in a house and ends up occupying it all, friends who are united in a world where apparently they are dead. All these situations are part of the literary constellation of the author who, with a defined style, presents us with a voice that comes and goes more


Book: Canciones de cuna para el fin del mundo

ISBN: 9786078646449
Precio de lista: $185.00
Descuento: 15%