Cantos pieles rojas

Cantos pieles rojas -  AA.VV. - Olañeta
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The texts that make up this selection are an example of the multiple forms that the expression of the word takes among North American Indians. Despite the destruction of their traditional way of life, the spirit of the Indian of old lives on in the poetry and power of these songs.

Unlike other peoples, the Indians of North America have not left us monuments, literary or artistic works or great social innovations as their legacy, but their most valuable lesson is perhaps their way of being and living, their deep communion with nature. and with all beings, their nobility and their freedom, their spirituality, in short, which makes them an example of a self-sufficient people and perfectly integrated in their natural environment, a participant in the cosmic life that beats with primordial purity in virgin nature.

In this collection of songs the living word of the Indian more


Book: Cantos pieles rojas

ISBN: 9788476514566
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 25%